Our proof of concept trailer tells the story of the factual British Auxiliary Units. The secret resistance force in England ready to repel an invasion during World War Two.
The Stay Behinds
After the fall of France, Hitler set his eyes on the UK. In fear of invasion, Churchill created a secret resistance force.
Men from towns and villages were trained in secrecy. To sabotage, assassinate and cause havoc behind enemy lines.
They stood ready and waiting for Germany to invade.
Sworn to secrecy
The Auxiliary Units didn’t say a word to their loved ones. They would have abandoned their families when they needed them the most.
Their life expectancy was only 10 days in action
Never Surrender is a proof of concept trailer
The plan for Never Surrender (Previously titled Auxiliaries) was to develop and produce a longer narratively driven web series.
Following the fictional invasion of Britain in 1940, we would tell the Auxilary Unit’s story. Uncover their horrific true orders and show the sacrifice they were all prepared to give.
With the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, we thought it in poor taste to tell a fictional story about a very real relevant scenario.
So for now, Never Surrender is on hold.
Tommy Boys
Currently in development
“The British Band Of Brothers”
WW2. A British soldier gets promoted and struggles to keep his friends alive.
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